Tuesday, November 24, 2015

I'm reading a book called A to Z Mysteries.   I'm on book E. Its called The Empty Envelope. It's about Dink gets a letter that's not his. This person called and said she would come over to get the letters. She came over but they could not find the letters. So she said she would come at 6:00. They found the letter and they figured out it's stolen and arrested her. characters  Dink, Ruth Rose, and Josh. I hope you like it.


  1. You have been reading this series like crazy! We are so proud of you, and are very happy that you enjoy reading so much this year! Keep up the good work!
    <3 Linds

    1. i am reading this series like crazy thank you so much i will try too keep up my reading i will also post another thing on my blog and another and one after that
